Recover Wi-Fi Connections
- Connect a monitor and keyboard and mouse
- at the ha> prompt, enter: login
(literally type in the word login, this will get you to a # prompt) - To assure Wi-Fi is functioning, enter: nmcli radio
- Scan available Wi-Fi access enter: nmcli device wifi rescan
- List available Wi-Fi access enter: nmcli device wifi
- Connect to your wifi (incude quotes) enter: nmcli device wifi connect “YOUR_SSID” password “YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD”
This will try to connect to your SSID and will generate a network profile for you if successful.
The output will be similar to"Device 'wlan0' successfully activated with...."
- Show connections enter: nmcli con show
There may be two separate ip addresses on your network: one for ethernet, one for Wi-Fi. - Check the ip addresses enter: ip addr show
Now connect tohttp(s)://your_wifi_ip:8123
in your browser.
ZIGBEE2MQTT Configuration
server: mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883
port: get hardware address in full from System, Hardware, All and scroll down to ttyUSB section
Using the HA Repair Tools
ha su repair ha core rebuild ha host reboot
Home Assistant HAOS RPi5
Command prompt:
After startup login to the nmcli:
- Login
- At # enter
- nmcli dev status
- nmcli radio
- nmcli device wifi connect SSID password PASSWORD