XIAO ESP32C3 Sleep Issues
The ESP32C3 will not wake from sleep mode if the serial port has been enables, the solution is simple;
- Complete and debug your code with the serial port enabled with Serial.begin(115200);
- Serial.begin(115200);
- When complete, simply comment out the Serial.begin statement:
- // Serial.begin(115200);

Note that the ESP32S3 and C3 and other XIAO boards have an on-board battery management chip and can therefore run off a battery, just wire a 3.8v LiPo battery to the + and – terminals on the underside of the board.
When plugged into a USB power source the battery will be charged.
Note: there is no on-board battery monitoring circuity, if required this will need to be added external using a spare pin set to an ADC input connected to a voltage divider.